Protective measures when the excavator is walking

Protective measures when the excavator is walking

1. Maintain normal track tension.

  Before applying the excavator, it is necessary to carefully check whether the track tension is consistent. If the track is too loose or too tight, it will easily cause the track shoes, track shaft and wheels to wear and wear, so it is necessary to maintain proper tension.

  2. Check and adjust the front wheel alignment.

  The front wheel of the excavator is too large and the front beam is very small. It is easy to cause partial wear during walking. The reason is that the front axle bearing and the bushing are deformed by impact, or the front axle telescopic sleeve fastening device is loose. Will cause the front wheel positioning angle to change, causing abnormal wear. Therefore, in the application process must always check the positioning angle of the front wheel is moderate, and adjust the toe.

  3. Accurate control and driving with rigor.

  When the excavator is walking, it should pay attention to not crossing the obstacle at high speed, not turning sharply under heavy load; driving at low speed on uneven roads, avoiding emergency braking as much as possible; climbing on a weight-bearing slope or on a muddy road When it is not possible, the walking system can be severely slipped.

  4. Pay attention to the operating conditions.

  When the excavator is working in a low-lying area, it is necessary to avoid trapping the car. After the trapping, it should be removed by means of traction and pushing. It is not necessary to increase the throttle (black smoke) to make the walking system idling.

 5. Timely cleaning and cleaning.

  After the operation of the excavator is finished, the sludge and the contaminated sludge on the track should be removed (cleaned) in time to keep the walking system clean, especially the oil seal device on the end face of the roller should be cleaned, inspected and maintained in time. Be careful not to let oil, acid, alkali and other corrosive substances smear rubber tires.